7 Reasons to Consider Buying Diamond Jewelry

7 Reasons to Consider Buying Diamond Jewelry

Main PageALROSA FACETSDid you know?7 Reasons to Consider Buying Diamond Jewelry
01.06.2020 / # Did you know?

Since the dawn of time, humans have been striving to make themselves look more beautiful by wearing earrings, rings, bracelets, tiaras, and much more. The modern world is no different. We use jewelry to express our personality, disposition, and mood.

Jewelry making — one of the world’s most exquisite arts — has produced boundless treasures to choose from. But there is one thing about jewelry that remains the same, even after many, many decades: diamonds are considered the most precious of gems. Why, though?

#1. A sound investment

Diamonds are one of the most reliable investments in the world — if not the most reliable Rough diamonds never, ever lose their value, and the demand for cut and polished gems always remains high. What’s also important is that this type of investment is not taxed.

And there’s more: diamonds do not need any special storage conditions. Unbelievable as it sounds, you can quite literally stuff them in a sock, and this will not spoil, or affect their value.

In other words, diamonds are forever.

#2. Status symbol

It’s no secret that high-quality, expensive accessories are a vital part of the business image Diamonds are firmly associated with success and will thus draw attention to their owner’s status like nothing else. Obviously, just because a person is not wearing a diamond ring on their finger does not mean that they lack business acumen — but you know what they say about first impressions. If someone can afford tasteful, high-status jewelry, their business is very likely to be successful, and partnership with them would be quite beneficial.

#3. Social events

Diamond jewelry is definitely not something you have to wear every day, but there are some occasions where it is not just suitable, but most advisable. Some examples of that would be an evening reception, a corporate party, or a close friend’s wedding. Diamonds are the ideal gems for a special evening. Artificial illumination makes them look spectacular, and candlelight in particular truly brings out their radiance.

Incidentally, another reason to buy diamond jewelry is the chance to expand your knowledge of «diamond etiquette». Which jewelry is appropriate under which circumstances? At what age is it best to wear this or that accessory? How much diamond jewelry should one wear at any one time? Society has been building conventions around answers to these and many other questions for many decades, and these conventions might be of some interest from the educational standpoint at the very least.

#4. Slow fashion

Over the past 10 or 20 years, the world has been going through ceaseless «fast fashion» booms, with new collections of modestly priced clothing and imitation jewelry emerging every month, sometimes even every fortnight. Our possessions aren’t long-lasting any more: trends come and go one after another, and there is no point purchasing high-quality items if they are going to go out of fashion the very next day.

But this constant race is growing wearisome, and experts are noticing a new phenomenon, which, by contrast with «fast fashion», they are calling «slow fashion». This is a sign that the habit of buying things meant to last is making a comeback. Such things include high-quality fabrics and clothing, classical styles, and durable jewelry.

Diamonds are also becoming part of this culture; part of the «good old taste». Therefore, diamond jewelry is a must-have for those who follow fashion trends.

#5. Self-expression

During today’s age of digitalization and globalization, self-expression is becoming one of the most essential human needs. Searching for your own unique style is an integral part of this process.

Modern jewelers understand this need perfectly well: the jewelry market is rapidly becoming more and more diversified, and we can already find not just classical jewelry, but vintage, youth, and even children’s jewelry collections. The availability of rings, earrings, brooches, and pendants of all shapes and sizes; the broad diamond color range; the use of different metals for mountings (not just gold and platinum, but silver as well!) — all of this allows each person to customize their jewelry to their individual preferences.

#6. The best gift

It’s hard to find any other gift that would express our love towards the most important people in our lives as wonderfully as a diamond. Diamonds are exclusive gemstones, and by giving them to your mother, sister, wife, or other special lady, you will prove your affection and respect.

It is perfectly acceptable to gift diamonds to men as well! They can be mounted into cufflinks, tie clips, watches, and even signet rings.

#7. Wedding traditions

The tradition of offering diamond rings as wedding gifts has taken root in Russia over the past decades. Elsewhere around the world, the practice emerged in the 19th century; it originates from the belief that diamonds symbolize eternity. So what, if not a diamond, can embody the bond between two people who are planning to spend their whole life together?

And an extra reason!

Diamonds offer you a chance to experience something timeless. Research shows that a rough diamond’s age may range from 100 million to 2.5 billion years. This is nothing if not a miracle!

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