The origin of the diamond

The origin of the diamond

Main PageAllrosa BrilliantsThe origin of the diamond

Turning a rough diamond into a polished diamond is not just a refined technique, it is a combination of science and art. First, the stone is evaluated and scanned, during which specialists recreate a 3D model of the diamond and figure out how to cut in the best way. Next, the rough diamond is cut with a laser beam into several pieces, each of which is sent to cutters to become a unique high-quality polished diamond.

Creating a polished diamond is a long process that can take several months; such is the price of achieving perfect proportions and play of light.

ALROSA polished diamonds are sent to the best jewelry houses in the world, adorn ALROSA Diamonds jewelry or enhance the private collections of connoisseurs of unique precious stones.

Most people do not know what path a diamond goes through before meeting its owner, but every day in different parts of the world, diamonds become a symbol of the most important moments in someone's life. Timeless, rare and of lasting value, diamonds make people happy.